Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Big Day

I was upset at him because of Jo. She was there in his apartment staying over telling me she's only here because of him. I wasn't just upset, I was angry. I felt stupid and cheated and I just assumed altogether that he lied to me about everything. I felt dumb because I fell for the lies, but past all the drama, I know there's an explanation and I shouldn't be overreacting just yet. I was there with him when he didn't want to reply to her messages and email and not answer her calls. So I should just wait for an explanation, surely, if he likes me and knows me enough, he will come around and explain himself.

So he Skype calls me but I missed it because I was running like a crazy girl trying to get rid of my stress from being his girlfriend and not being his girlfriend. *sigh* When I got home, I called him on the phone and I knew the moment I did, I should've just sent him a message because he couldn't talk.

You see, over the past months, I've gave him so much attention that by now, I know him well enough--I think, more than any of his girls here. I heard stress in his voice when he was talking to me so when we hung up, no matter how upset I was with him, I sent him an SMS asking if he wanted to meet up somewhere just to catch up. I had the feeling he wanted to get out of his apartment, and true enough, he replied, "Good idea." So we set ip at 6pm dinner at my place.

He actually came early, and he walked in, gave me a huge hug and kissed me. I told him dinner wasn't ready yet, but he didn't care, he said he just needed to be with me. So he goes to my room, sits down and starts talking.

His first words were, "I'm going to be completely honest with you because I really, really like you."
And in my head, I was saying, "Oh, come on! We've gone beyond like to love, remember? I don't think you were drunk the last time you looked me in the eyes and said that you're in love with me." But I kept my mouth shut. I knew him. I knew keeping hush is the best thing right now.

So there we were sitting on my bed talking about all his girl trouble, and I just keep thinking whether I'm playing Taylor Swift in her song, You Belong with Me. *sigh* I listen to him every time he tells me these things, looking him in the eyes so I'll know whether or not he's telling the truth. So far, he's been honest. He goes halfway through his story and starts hugging me again like he couldn't hold himself any longer. Now I know I can relax because the worst was over, and I know I can open my mouth and give him my opinion without pushing him away. I told him to set some boundaries and not give false signals to girls. I told him he should learn to say no if he doesn't want to do something with a girl. He told me he wants to take me to Belgium and Spain next month. He also asked if he can put me on Facebook as his girlfriend.

He stayed with me the whole night. We went out to have drinks with his friends then went on Skype with his nieces. After K finished work, we met up with her for drinks then we went home.He left Jo alone at his place, he went straight to work from my place this morning. He worked for 10 hours and surely he's exhausted after work. I wanted him to celebrate his anniversary in Macau in Bellini but he's beat, and I don't mind because I won. Jo and S may bug him forever but I got him last night, and I'm almost confident that most nights I will have him around too.